Head Teacher Letter 25.3.20

Dear Parents/Carers,

I do hope you are all keeping well. It is a difficult time for all of us at the moment. This includes you as parents, the children and staff. It is a time of the unknown and this leads to feelings of being overwhelmed and stressed. These feelings are normal to have and I want to reassure you of a few things.

We have sent home some learning packs and we will be posting additional ideas for activities online, but don’t feel under pressure to complete it all. You must find a balance and if you find home learning too stressful then please leave it. For some families the home learning packs will be very helpful but for others it might feel like too much to cope with. Your health is more important. There will be plenty of time for us all to help when things return to normal.

Please don’t feel guilty if your child prefers to do other activities rather than the home learning packs. This might be playing in your garden, baking, board games, music, art, chatting with friends and using technology. All of that is important and still learning. 

Your main focus as a family needs to be to stay safe, stay well and support each other. You can support other families through social media and other virtual platforms.

Remember that there are always members of staff at school. Ring the office if you would appreciate a chat with a member of staff – we will always be happy to help. If you prefer to communicate via email you can email the office and it will be passed on to a school leader or teacher. office@bawburgh.norfolk.sch.uk

A parent has sent me the following links and attachments that might help you and your child talk about this current situation and to help you all manage your mental health:





If you are really struggling don’t forget that you can also contact the Wellbeing Service, either to refer yourself for some support, or there is a good self-care section on their website. I’ve been informed that they will also be running online webinars that you can sign up to for advice on looking after yourself through this crisis. https://www.wellbeingnands.co.uk/norfolk/

Let’s all look after each other’s mental health. Focus on what is important to you and your family. We miss you all already and can’t wait for normality to resume.

Please take care and keep in touch,

Best wishes
Carla Stedman

From Birds of Dereham (Uniform)

Following new guidelines issued last night (23rd March) we wanted to let you know that we have now closed the store to customers for three weeks when this will be reassessed by the Government.

We are still taking online orders which we aim to complete are soon as possible. ‘Click & Collect’ is still an option and we have contingency plans in place for this. 

School Closure Letter 23.3.20

Good afternoon,

I hope everyone is coping well during day 1 of our new normal. I would just like to thank you all for your understanding and patience towards the end of last week. Over the weekend we received a number of emails sending positive thoughts and kind words, these are very much appreciated and have been shared with staff.

Just a reminder that the school office will be manned from 9-11am each day. We are currently open but this is subject to safe staffing levels and the situation will be reviewed daily.

The home learning page on the website (due to lots of traffic) isn’t yet up and running, however Flamingos and Hummingbirds information is on their class pages. This is very much a work in progress and we will let you know when it’s live.

All that’s left to say, is please stay safe and stay at home as much as possible.

Best wishes

Miss Stedman and The Bawburgh Staff

Bus Blog 15th March 2020

Welcome to the new year and hopefully lots of updates. We have been out of action over the winter months mainly due to the weather, back to back storms and a couple of repairs! However, things are moving again and we have set a date of July to be completed – fingers and toes crossed a big party and grand opening awaits!

The bus survived the winter months remarkably well with only minor leaks, which will be re-sealed as soon as it’s a bit warmer. The new summer house however took a bit of a battering one weekend and lost its roof – check out the photos! Thankfully there was no serious damage to the roof or the structure, so Lee and Paul were able to fix and patch it up.

A group of us gathered to begin re upholstering the seats and Claire joined us one weekend to start on re-covering cushions with donated fabric. My mum came in to show the others what to do and Kathy soon became the upholstery version of the karate kid, wielding her electric staple gun like a pro. The seats were covered with fabric really kindly donated by Norfolk Upholstery, whilst Claire worked on fabric and cushions donated by Mrs Duffy’s family.

Lee also came back to do some more of the woodwork for the bus and started on an outside canopy / shelter. When this is complete it will add an extra area for the children to use outdoors and will look amazing. He has also been working on the inside of the bus converting his imagination into reality.

We are now turning our minds to internal electrics, flooring, furnishings…and many more exciting things.

Miss C. Stedman, Executive Headteacher

The Bawburgh School, Hockering Lane, Bawburgh, NR9 3LR

Tel: 01603 742329 | Email: office@bawburgh.norfolk.sch.uk

Requests for paper copies of any information provided on our website can be obtained free of charge.

The Barford and Bawburgh Federation

Barford Primary School
Chapel Street, Barford, Norwich, NR9 4AB


The Bawburgh School
Hockering Lane, Bawburgh, NR9 3LR
